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For they as horses devoured meat, that is, took the armours of (the) Egyptians, which they saw dead on the brink of the sea, and as lambs they made full out joy, magnifying thee, Lord, that deliveredest them. [As horses forsooth they gnawed meat, and as lambs they full out joyed, magnifying thee, Lord, for thou deliveredest them.]

10 For they were mindful yet of those things, that were done in the dwelling of them among (the) Egyptians; how the land brought forth flies, for the nation of beasts, and the flood (or the river) brought forth (a) multitude of paddocks [or frogs] for fishes.

11 Forsooth at the last they saw a new creature of birds, when they were led by covetousness, and asked (for) meats of feast. [At the last forsooth they saw a new creature of birds, when, led by lust, they asked (for) meats of delicious eating.]

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